Sunday, April 04, 2004

Spinning Out of Control (Please Excuse My Temporary Insanity)

My life is spinning out of control. Today is the last day to register for summer classes and my advisor still has not given me the requisite signoff. Someone left the Newman Center Semi-Formal early and accidentally took my suitcoat blazer with him, leaving me to walk home without a jacket. No one has returned it yet. I totally fell asleep in my clothes again for the second night in a row. My room is a complete mess - I haven't dusted or vacuumed since a couple weeks before spring break started. I've either not been eating healthy, or not been eating at all, and lately, it's been not eating at all. I lose my appetite every time I try to eat a meal. Food has lost its taste. Consequently, I am getting weaker and out of shape. I got tired after playing basketball yesterday after an hour. I used to be able to run with energy for like 4 hours. I got tired at the dance last night too, and at the club the night before. I've neglected all of my piling homework: I'm behind by at least 100 pages of Anna Karenina (I haven't checked yet), I'm behind two math homework assignments, and a third one is coming up this week. And my Legal Studies participation grade probably equals something around 0 right now. Oh, right, and I almost forgot. I have a Chem Lab Report Write-up that is due tomorrow as well. Music has not been able to save me either. Like food, music has lost its taste to me as well. Only a handful of songs still speak to me now. The rest are just empty sounds. And Daylight Savings Time has robbed me of an hour I would really appreciate having today, with all the things I need to get done.

And there is this overall feeling of inexplicable, crushing weight on every cell in my body and brain that I just can't shake.

At least I had fun at the Semi-Formal until I lost my blazer.

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