Monday, April 12, 2004

I Like...

- The feeling of warm socks fresh out of the dryer on my feet
- The Smashing Pumpkins
- Cherry blossoms in springtime
- An ice cold Coca-Cola
- Conversations about music
- Night time
- Lying down but not sleeping
- Breathing in and beholding good health in my own body
- Walking with a song in my head
- Smiles and laughter
- Sun and blue sky
- Watching rain drops on a window pane
- Watching the clouds roll slowly by
- Staring at the stars
- T. S. Eliot
- Watching a good film
- Watching an entertaining movie
- Playing my guitar, Lucy
- Cleaning my room
- Looking at Edward Hopper paintings
- The creeped out feeling you get when listening to certain Radiohead songs
- Grilled chicken sandwiches with cheese, lettuce, onions, mushrooms, and Hemo Sauce from Hemo's Food Truck
- Swishing a three-pointer on the fast break at Pottruck
- Stopping my life to sit on The Bench on a busy afternoon
- The ending of the very last song on a CD, and the "whirrrr" of the CD player after it's done
- A girl

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