Monday, March 28, 2005

intersubjectivity, a poem

     rain is the parts of the universe
     that got too heavy to look at. every problem you've ever had has been the result of too little mind chasing too much universe.
     the universe
holds a reality that can never be understood by the mind, art, cinema, literature. the present is the only knowable thing in the universe
     that is necessary and certain--one 3-dimensional slice of a 4-dimensional ball of yarn. the rest of the universe,
     belonging to the room behind you (past) and the room in front of you (future), is all in darkness. i can't stand looking at anything in this universe,
     how can you? the mind has memory, the mind has dreams, these transcend the space-time paradigm, the nature of thought and consciousness transcends the space-time paradigm, perhaps the mind is the only thing that is actual reality in and of itself, the only thing that truly exists in the universe?
     but everything we know of the universe
is colored by our minds, collectively and individually--or perhaps only individually--perhaps everything the human race knows about the universe
     is colored entirely by only my own mind (is solipsism that bad? it must be useful for something.)

     time + place + reflection = a moment.
time + space + mind = the universe.

     is this god? am i god?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

david, this is god speaking. i command you to shed your banausic existence and learn what it truly means to exist in this universe. you must leave behind the speculation of the ivory tower you inhabit and take to the streets, take to the gospel of the city of brotherly love. passerbys may or may not provide sustenance. you may or may not starve. people may or may not snicker. but perhaps you will learn humility and see the universe for the varnished, disputable truth that it is.

ok, that comment meant absolutely nothing, i'm just bored.