Monday, March 07, 2005

Generic Spring Break Post #3

I like my electric guitar. I named her today. Annabella. Hardcore Everclear fans will understand that one.

I also got a really retarded haircut. I look like I just escaped from an insane asylum. Put me in a clinical white robe and I could be Billy Bibbit's best friend in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

My mom patched my jeans today. There was big hole on the right knee. Now there is a big red patch. Sweet.

Watched Fargo last night on my computer. Violently quirky. Margie is a great protagonist/hero. Steve Buscemi is "a little guy, funny-lookin' in a general kind of way." Hahaha. Another funny quote, spoken with an accent that is some weird mix of Midwest "Minnesoter" and Japanese: "You were such a super lady... and I'm, I'm so lonely!" HEEHEEFUNNY!

OK. Incredibly bored again.

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