Thursday, May 06, 2004


For some reason, this last email sent out by my GA made me extremely sad. I still have two final exams to take, so I don't think I'm due, yet, for that "Goodbye, freshman year" retrospective-introspective post I'm obligated to write, but I just felt like sharing this email. It's wonderful and beautiful in my GA's own, quirky way...

And, finally, an absolutely fabulous greeting!

So, here we are: our tether's turned to seeming ether, our wick has willy-nilly burned to a nibly-nib, our credits are rolly polly on the river, and our sighs are pretty much sayonara. So, while they are striking our academic set -- that doesn't contain itself or Bertrand Russell or Jennifer Aniston -- and rolling out the Bonofied baccalaureate big top brouhaha, ask not how-why the study break bell tolls, for you know it tolls Gregariously!

Whether or not you are losing your feckless Friends 2-nite, whether or not you could care less about these funny-froed Friends, whether or not you find yourself decidedly post exam-paper rough-and-tumble or very much smack-dab encompassed by the study compass, consider hitting the VP Piano Lounge, say about 10pm, the hour of true Friendslessness. A bit of India will appear there as your tasty pot of gold, thanks to gravity's and the semester's rainbow.

wtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtf: Indian food - fabulous samosas, delicious Chicken Teeka, succulent Korma, bountiful Biryani, not to mention Paneer, Nan, Goolab Jamin!

wherewherewherewhere: VP Piano Lounge

whenwhenwhenwhen: 10pm, 2-nite

I wish you all continued success, peppered with surprise and curiosity.

Paul Grant,
Gregory College House

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