Saturday, May 08, 2004

One of Those Long Ass Annoying Quizzes Nobody's Gonna Read, But Successfully Waste MY Time, Which is All That Matters

Last word you said: "Bye," after getting off the phone with Eric
Last song you sang along to: Who's Johnny by El DeBarge (yeah bad 80's music!)
Last person you hugged: Chrissy (sympathy hug - I still had four exams left at the time)
Last thing you laughed at: Kill Bill Vol. 2, when Uma ripped out that chick's eyeball
Last time you cried: A couple days before Spring Break, long story
What's in your CD player: Slow Motion Daydream by Everclear
What color socks are you wearing: White, Gold Toe
What's under your bed: Suitcase with winter sweaters, shoes, dust, possibly Donald, the local mouse
What time did you wake up today: 8:00 AM (I had an 8:30 exam)
Current taste: Sweet, carbonated cola
Current hair: Dry and weighed down by the day
Current annoyance: Dust on my fingers
Current desktop picture: Default blue (blank)
Current worry: Will I be able to move out all of my stuff successfully?
Current hate: Packing shit that I didn't realize I had to pack
Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: Eyes that flash with life
Time you wake up in the morning: 10 am on a good day, noon on a bad day
If you could play an instrument, what would it be: Drums
Favorite color: Green (maybe)
Do you believe in an afterlife: No, but if I had to, it would be of the reincarnation type
How tall are you: 5'11"
Current favorite word/saying: "Fascinating..."
Favorite season: Autumn (maybe Summer)
One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Hien Pham
Favorite day: Tomorrow
Where do you want to go: Paris, France
What is your career going to be like: As hassle-free as possible, so that I have time for real life
How many kids do you want: 2, a boy and a girl
What kind of car will you have: Porsche Boxter, convertible

[have you ever...]

Have you ever said "i love you" and meant it? Yes
Gotten in a fight w/your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc? The only pet I've ever owned was a turtle named Mike, and we got along famously
Been to New York? Yes, three or four times
Been to Florida? Yes, twice
San Diego, California? YES, more than I can count
Hawaii? No, but I'm working on it
Mexico? Yes, a couple times
China? Yes, three times (fourth is upcoming this summer)
Canada? Yes, quite a few times


Do you have a crush on someone? No, I don't think so
What book are you reading now? Ulysses by James Joyce
Worst feeling in the world? Wanting to throw up
What is the first thing you think of when you wake in the morning: "Did I oversleep?"
Future son's name: Forrest
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? No, I make him sleep on the shelf
Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous?: Righty
College plans: Continue at the University of Pennsylvania
Piercings: None now, and most likely never

[ the extra stuff ]

Do you do drugs? No, nothing illegal
Do you drink? Only a couple of times in my life
Who are your best friends? Frank, Chandan, Catherine, and Eric (that's the order I met them in)
What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use? Herbel Essences Shampoo, no conditioner
Who is the last person that called you? Eric Chen
Favorite number: 7, since the day of my birth
What type of automobile do you drive? 1990 Pontiac TranSport Minivan that looks and smells like shit
Have a job? No, but I used to work in the office at Karen Dillard's SAT College Prep School
Do you like being around people? No, but I like being around persons
Best feeling in the world? The relief of peeing after holding it in for a long time
Are you for world peace? Yes, but not if the cost is world war
Are you a health freak? No, I eat and do whatever I feel like
Do you have a "type" of person you always go after? The "female" type generally suffices
Want someone you don't have right now? Is that an offer?
Are you lonely right now? A little
Do you want kids? Yes

[ in the last 24 hours, have you?]

Cried: No
Bought something: A 20 oz. bottle of Coca-Cola Classic
Gotten sick: No
Sang: Yes, while cleaning my room
Said I love you: No, but I mumbled something about "You too" to my mom when she said "I love you" on the phone
Wanted to tell someone you like them: No
Met someone new: No, although I viewed some people new to me on
Had a serious talk: Yes - several goodbyes were of a half-serious-or-more nature
Hugged someone: No
Kissed someone: No
Fought with your parents: No, but I did lie to them about when I was going to go to bed

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