Monday, May 17, 2004


I don't understand how monstrous cockroaches make it up to the 24th floor. I am confounded.

Otherwise, I love Hamilton College House. I love looking out my window and seeing the city. The lights at night are a beautiful sight. That sentence had a lot of rhyming. I love how everything is new, too. Our toilet is so white and clean.

In other news, I apparently have a Boston accent when I say the words "Boston" and "caught." Frank imitated me the other day, and told me I said them like "Bahhstin" and "cahht." I say every other word in the dictionary with Standard American English. Maybe that's what happens when you combine the Southern California tone (it's not really an accent) and the Texas drawl. You get Bahhstin.

I kind of wish I had the whole Boston accent, and not just those two words. It would make me more interesting. Accents are cool.

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