Tuesday, March 30, 2004

"In My Room" by the Beach Boys

Things that occurred to me today or were brought to my attention by others:

- The Penn campus is extraordinarily apathetic. You'd be surprised at how many people don't want to end violence against women. Bunch of rich, spoiled, Ivy League brats.
- I am in love with music.
- Some people just kill me.
- On one end of the spectrum are people who spend all their minutes and hours before an exam studying, without giving their brain time enough to make sense of it all. One the other end is me, spending most of my minutes and hours before an exam giving my brain a lot of time to make sense of the very little that I studied. A balance is best in this situation, the Buddhist Middle Way.
- I eat slowly after math exams. Math exams ruin my appetite.
- I am living in a teenage wasteland.
- I used to be a lot more "together" in high school. I get out-of-sorts a lot more easily for some reason here. I don't know what happened to my composure, my nonchalance, my aplomb. Now things tend to confuse me or confound me, or leave me without an adequate response. Where has my self-assurance gone?
- Lately, it's like I've been walking a tightrope.
- I like circus music. I like polka. I like circus music in polka.
- I miss Alaska, for some reason. It was only two weeks this summer that I spent there, but what a beautiful world... the sun shone for twenty hours a day... What a beautiful world...
- I walk with more weight on my shoulders than a young boy of 18 should be carrying. I haven't had a moment to myself in the sun since 10th grade. Only music and the wanderings of my mind can take me there now.
- I am all too predictable. I can see myself coming from a mile away. I saw my mom coming from a mile away. See? I knew I was going to say that.
- I should take control, even though I'm never in control.
- In an iterated integral, the corresponding limits of integration need to be switched if the order of integration is to be switched.
- Some of the things happening in Anna Karenina are happening to me right now in my own life. I wish I could deal with things the way Vronsky does. But as a character in a novel, he has the assurance that the rest of the novel still exists for things to happen. My novel could end tomorrow. Is that enough to arrest me from action?
- I stay up too late, and when I stay up too late, I write too much, and when I write too much, I start to sound depressing, and when I start to sound depressing, people think I am too dramatic about things and that I stay up too late. Going to bed would just be so much easier if I were of that ilk, if that were my constitution.
- This list is stupid. I'm making up things as I go along. I should stop.

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