Sunday, March 28, 2004

Closed On Sundays

Today was going to be a new beginning. I was going to get my head shaved. I was going to do it because my mullet thing looked ridiculous. There was also something about defying the whole notion of appearance, image, and personality. But mostly because it looked ridiculous. I was ready. I had $20 in my wallet. I knew three places I could go to.

But alack! All was woe! All were closed! Closed on Sundays! You can't imagine the frustration, my friend. The agony! It was like falling in love with a beautiful girl named Lola only to take her home, slip her skirt off, and discover she was a man! Utter defeat! So my hair continues to grow, second by second, nanometer by nanometer. I will have to wait at least another day. But will I have the same resolve? Will I be as strong in conviction tomorrow as I was today? These questions are unanswerable. Or rather, they are answerable only by one person, and that is Father Time. Father Time lets all things be known eventually. Even the day of your death.

Death! What a mysterious notion!

Mystery! How vexing for the mind!

The mind! Such a wonderful thing!

Things! What a materialistic world we live in today!

Today! I wasted so much time today walking, and eating, and browsing for used Bob Dylan CD's! I watched Fire today, an Indian movie about lesbians! It was good! I liked it! A little slow-paced though! But that's OK! I still need to start - yes, START - studying for the mathematics midterm tomorrow! Except I can't do that immediately, because I need to do a chemistry laboratory write up, and a pre-laboratory assignment as well! Also due tomorrow! Everything due tomorrow! Everything done tonight!

Tonight! I am doing well on all other accounts! Except for a little IBS this morning! Irritable Bowel Syndrome! It can strike at any time! There is no cure, only control! Our biggest wish is to educate the ignorant public on this grave, unfortunate disease! Please be understanding of this condition!

Just kidding. I don't have IBS. But we should learn to be tolerant. It can strike at any time, after all, without regard to age, sex, or race. You could get IBS tomorrow.

Sorry about all the exclamation points. I'll make up for it somehow. Next time, I'll stop using punctuation all together. In fact, I'll end this post on that note

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