Saturday, March 27, 2004

"The End" by the Beatles

I tried not writing. And then I tried writing in secret. But when I was forced to get rid of everything, because my parents found out, well I simply couldn't take that. I had to delete three years of cyberspace biography. It was difficult but it had to be done. It was something I thought I had as a way of escaping from the oppression of my parents. But then they found out today that I had "a webpage." So I got rid of all of them. They're all gone now. Huge chunks of my life are gone. I couldn't take it anymore. I was OK with not writing. I am not OK with there being nothing there. That, I can not deal with. I need to create. I need to create anew. I must face a simple fact. I am addicted to writing in online journals. They are the only things I can do without going insane or being loud when it's this late at night - when I should be sleeping instead of using my brain to ponder the meaning of meaninglessness. So here are random thoughts that have occurred to me this week:

The Lakers are going to win the championship this year. I can feel it. At least four people are going to owe me $5. Dumb-asses. Why do people continue to insist on being so blind to the irrepressible, omnipotent glory of the storied Los Angeles Lakers? Why do they fool and delude themselves into thinking a really crappy and ugly team like the Sacramento Kings can win anything but an ugly contest? God, I hate the Kings. They're so ugly. I can't stand them.

I need a change. I need to shake things up. I need a cure for ennui. I wonder if it's possible to go out to parties without drinking at all. Is there a point to that? I should find out.

Where are all the "classic rock" girls at Penn? I've met only one who is in love with the Beatles, and she's a junior studying abroad from Scotland. Another's favorite band is the Clash. And that's it! All the other girls I meet like boy bands and crap.

How much significance is there in having common interests? Would I enjoy someone's company better if they liked British classic rock and Charlie Kaufman films? I have some friends who's company I enjoy very much who aren't into that stuff at all. So why do I look for it all the time? Is there any substantial significance in it?

I am excited about majoring in Nanoscale Materials Science & Engineering. I think nanotechnology is fascinating. I think it has a real potential to transform - nay, revolutionize - our economy. Our entire economy. There's a lot of hype around it, of course, but it's perfectly justified. The hype is right.

The food in 1920 Commons sucks. Always.

Everyone writes so poorly these days.

I write so poorly.

I should sleep.

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