Sunday, December 12, 2004

Siamese Heart

This is a personal favorite of mine.


Like a thousand volcanoes
erupting in my heart,
the Lava flying high into the air--
red, yellow, gold; a Liquid flame
singeing the bottom of the clouds
and falling to the floor of my stomach
with a thud.

Like an ocean wave,
cool green and blue and white,
arched like an arthritic's hand,
ready to close--
ready to crash--
ready to come down and splash the world
with all abandon
--a well; a surge; a crest;
a moment in time.

Like sitting on the grass
(green and spring and blue sunshine);
a flagrantly fragrant floral zephyr
passing through the space
between us,
which grows smaller by inches
as the hours fly by,
until the gap is closed,
and i am one and done with you and this world,
and i whisper your name.


like a harpooned whale
writhing and crashing in the water,
struggling uselessly against the line,
not even feeling the sharp cold metal
Puncturing the skin and Piercing the heart
--grand and apocolyptic,
fighting in a Pool reddened with blood.

like an empty chasm inside,
black and bleak and deep;
an abyss of nothingness,
with dismal winds howling of rage and loss,
flying, Plummeting ever deeper and deeper
into an endless hole of a vacuum,
with nothing to hold on to.

like a Phrase and a glance
ending it all;
the smallest things
burrowing into the farthest places
and shredding a tenuous hope--
snuffing a weak flame;
the smallest things,
the biggest disappointments,
a needle Prick on a ventricle,
and an endless rivulet of tears down your tired face,
as i whisper your name...


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