Tuesday, December 07, 2004

and i love you

and the rainbow fades in and out in the wind,
and the yellow moon wanes behind clouds,
and the sun sets over restless waves,
and the candle flame darts wildly around,

and a smile shows and a smile fades,
and words spoken float off in the air,
and an act of consciousness is forgotten,
and a thought is lost away somewhere,

and a hummingbird shifts around in space,
and a nostalgic mind shifts around in time--
and i dream of broken shards and haphazard haze,
where some days i'm yours and some days you're mine;

and through the softly falling rain,
and through the wildly thrashing rain,
and through the bright and blue sunshine,
and through the burning white sunshine,

i will always love you with the fire that burned on our first day.


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