Sunday, July 04, 2004

Are They Allowed To Fart In Space?

So I was farting today, when a troubling thought occurred to me. Are they allowed to fart in space? I mean, I was just envisioning a scenario where you had to be in a space ship for a few months... what if you farted in that space ship a few times every day for like 6 months? Wouldn't the build-up of partial pressures eventually overcome the stress quotient of the space craft, and after one too many farts, cause the space ship to explode? It wouldn't take that many more pounds per square inch from a moderately flatulent man (or woman... admit it, gals, you fart too) out in the pressureless vacuum of space to cause an unfortunate and unseemly cosmic accident. So what do they do? Do they fart out the window and into space using a tube or something? Do they spend billions of government dollars researching special space foods that don't cause flatulence? Do they eat fart-supressing pills? Do they just try to hold it in as best they can and hope that whenever they have to rip one out, it doesn't end up being the fart that broke the space ship's back, so to speak? What does NASA DO about our brave astronauts' passing gas???

Oh, and happy 4th, everyone!


Alex said...
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Alex said...

Dude, you're a moron. Oh, and happy 5th, Dave!

Ben said...

Dude, doesn't the pressure already exist inside the stomach? Partial pressure doesn't change when the location of the gas changes . . . only when it's created.
The real fun comes in rapid decompression . . . I was at an altitude chamber a couple months back and let loose for about 2 minutes straight.