Thursday, July 01, 2004

Random Summer Thoughts

- Walking through the mall with my mom today, I realized that Texas girls are pretty hot. However, they also look like they would be mind-meltingly boring to talk to. But who cares, whatever. They are still hot.

- I hate going into a fitting room whose door doesn't lock, or whose lock is broken. What if somebody barges in? I don't want people to know that I wear underwear with chili peppers on them. I also remind people enough of a chicken without showing them chicken legs.

- You'd have to be a really confident, unself-conscious, arrogant douchebag to wear some of those stylish long-sleeve button-down wannabe-retro stripey/designer shirts they sell in department stores these days. Some of them look cool, I guess, but there were a few I saw that just screamed "FASHION WHORE!!!" like the type of guy who would go to a concert but wouldn't dare dance because he'd mess up his perfectly tousled hair. I'm thinking in particular of the LIGHT PINK and WHITE striped one I saw... Most embarassing part of this story: my mom took it off the rack and wanted to buy it for me. Seriously.

- Riding my bike makes me want to fart. And when I do, it ends up being really loud, since it's forced to push its way through an extremely tight squeeze between my butt and the bicycle seat. It's fortunate that whenever this happens, I'm simultaneously speeding away from the scene of the crime, so that nobody really catches a good glimpse of my guilty face.

- After spending almost a year away from radio while in college, I've finally been able to tune in again, while driving. Conclusion: radio sucks. Good god, radio sucks! Outside of the classic rock station the Eagle, there is simply a wasteland of teenage trash. Each track of bone-crunching guitars on the modern rock station the Edge is indistinguishable from the others. In fact, when I tune in to modern rock and hear more generic macho Post-Grunge crap like Creed, I actually change the radio station to Top 40 pop radio like KISS FM. I'd rather listen to Usher take that and rewind it back than hear from Linkin Park again about how in the end, it doesn't even matter...

- BRASH PREDICTION TO BE REALIZED IN THE NEXT 6 MONTHS - 1 YEAR: Emo will transmorphasisatize into mainstream, corporate, commercial Emo-Pop or Post-Emo or some such thing, just as American underground/garage alternative transformed into mainstream Grunge in the early 90's (which synthesized into the even more despicable form of extremely commercial Post-Grunge after the death of Kurt Cobain), or as the legitimately motivated bands of the Punk Revival that reacted against the heavy seriousness of Post-Grunge also sold-out to corporate corporations, changing Punk Revival heroes like Green Day and The Offspring into Punk-Pop radio-hit machines (leaving only bands like Rancid and Pennywise to carry on the torch of hardcore Punk that was free of MTV). In fact, it's already happening to emo with the MTV-ization of Dashboard Confessional, and soon, the other emo indie pop/rock outfits will find themselves choosing fame and fortune over the actual music as well. Having said all that, however, I would do the same thing. I wouldn't want to become some outsider weirdo freak like Ani DiFranco.

- Spider-Man 2 was a smidge-and-a-half below the first Spider-Man on my scale, but that really depends on what size you define your smidges to be.

- Most of this post is of a facetious nature. Ani DiFranco is not that bad. I do, however, own a pair of boxers with chili peppers on them, so please knock before entering fitting rooms. Thanks.

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