Friday, June 04, 2004

What A Productive Day

First and foremost, today shall go down in history as the day that I, David Liu, earned my stripes as an Ivy League student. Yes, that's right, I finally played a preppy white-boy sport! (Albeit, with all Asian people.) It was tennis, and preppiness aside, it was fun. In fact, I would willingly and gladly do it again tomorrow. However, I'm not going to start wearing white sweater vests and pressed white khaki shorts. I am not Hugh Grant.

Other productive things that happened to-day (sidenote: productive is defined as any activity that does not involve sitting on my ass, being on the computer, and/or doing nothing) include the following:

- played basketball and ping-pong, thereby completing a triumvirate of sports I accomplished today, this day being some sort of super cosmic athletic sports day for me

- didn't miss a minute of class (unlike yesterday)

- actually did homework on pure self-motivation for about an hour after class, even though it's the weekend

- learned more guitar, like the song "When I Come Around" by Green Day, and some other things, and just played for about half an hour

- withdrew money from the ATM (I've been broke for about a week)

For a slow summer day that could have just come and gone without notice or event, I think that's pretty damn productive. I really carpe'ed this diem.

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