Monday, June 14, 2004

?, a Question Mark

As I stare at this blank screen in front of me, a dozen of the same exact thoughts zoom through my head over and over at sixty-six thousand miles an hour, racing each other like it's the Kentucky Derby and nobody has a clue who's going to win. They jostle and fight and snarl and snap and bite as they stampede down the lanes for primary position in the twists, turns, and wrinkles of my brain. They zap around like lightning bolts of neurotic electricity, leaping over firing synapses and trampling over the frayed ends of my neurons. Who will make it? Which thought will win this race, bursting through the escape hatch at the bottom of my brain, tumbling down my spine, splitting itself at the shoulders and rushing through the length of my arms? Which thought will whip around the corner of my elbows, speed triumphantly past my wrists and into my ten fingers, splashing over this keyboard here? - and filling up my computer screen with words!

"Words, words, words!"

Will it be the recent full-frontal invasion of MATH into my life?

Will it be the recent, devastating Laker loss, and my new hatred for Kobe Bryant and his arrogant ass? (Make no mistake, the Lakers will always be my team, but Kobe... you're a jerk.)

Will it be some ruminations on angst?



High school?

Grammar school?

One of my friends? All of my friends?


Will it be something funny? Or serious? Or both?

A poem?

A fictional story? A real story?

Or will it, like all things, simply end... in a question mark?

Who knows?

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