Tuesday, August 02, 2005

People's Criticism

People give me criticism of two kinds: specific and general. I have to say that specific is much better, and in fact, the nit-pickier, the better. General criticism is helpful, but not when I have writer's block and can't really think of a "more clever structure" or a "twist ending" or a "more realistic relationship." It helps much more to say that this word or this line or this paragraph feels _____ and needs to be more _____.

Of course, I know I give terrible criticism, if I give any at all. For some reason, when I read my classmates' screenplays in class, I just can't think of things to say. This will probably hurt my participation grade, but I honestly have trouble figuring out how I feel about something, especially on just one, semi-cursory read. If I was allowed to sit down with it for an hour, and go through with a pen, I might have more to say, but the way we do the readings in class, I just can't come up with things off the cuff like that.


Ben said...

Twist endings are are way to common. Everyone is always looking for them, so not having a twist would in many ways be more original. The most original stories come from real life, stuff like saving private ryan. Definitely a fiction, but based on a true story. That's where it's at. Oh and I want to read it.

Alex said...

Dave, I read your screenplay today, and here are my general criticisms regarding the plot and tone: it sucks. Just joking. Never read your screen play. But I would eventually like to read your screenplay.