Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Owen Wilson

I had a dream that I was talking to Owen Wilson. We were having a really good conversation about his films, and about writing in particular. I couldn't tell if he was just humoring me as just another rabid fan or if he was actually interested in our conversation. I asked him a lot of questions about how he writes and stuff. I don't remember any of his answers. But man, that dude's nose is really crooked.

Don't ask me why what happened early this morning triggered such a dream. I don't know. I just don't know...


Anonymous said...

You could have found out how Rushmore was written but you stared at his nose instead. Emma will get a kick out of that.

sirbarrett said...

That's a cool dream. I would like to talk to him. I'm sure he was sincerely interested in the conversation, but then again, I don't know your subconscious. It sounds involved, almost like it was a lucid dream.