Sunday, May 15, 2005


you know what i'm talking about
that thought i had was about that other thing
it was like that time, but more... less!
it felt like that place at the usual time of day -
or night - you know better than i do
i couldn't really see, it's sort of hazy now
it's hard to say
there isn't really the right word for it
it's not easy to articulate
(language is so limited!)
it's a subtle point, nuanced
you would just miss it if i tried to explain
i don't exactly recall exactly, exactly...
approximately, give or take
more or less thereabouts
apparently basically partially allegedly in essence

hey, you get the idea, i guess
i plead the fifth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...reminiscent of fIREHOSE's 'you and me rememberin'. dig it.