Extraversion | |||||||||||| | 46% | Stability | |||||||||||||||||||| | 83% | Orderliness | |||||| | 26% | Empathy | |||||||||||| | 50% | Interdependence | |||||||||||||||||| | 76% | Intellectual | |||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Mystical | || | 10% | Artistic | |||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Religious | || | 10% | Hedonism | |||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Materialism | |||||| | 30% | Narcissism | |||||||||||||||| | 63% | Adventurousness | |||||||||||||||| | 70% | Work ethic | |||||| | 30% | Self absorbed | |||||| | 23% | Conflict seeking | |||||| | 23% | Need to dominate | |||||| | 30% | | Romantic | |||||||||||| | 43% | Avoidant | |||||||||||| | 50% | Anti-authority | |||||||||||||||||||| | 83% | Wealth | |||||||||||||| | 56% | Dependency | |||||| | 30% | Change averse | |||||||||||| | 43% | Cautiousness | |||||||||||||| | 56% | Individuality | |||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Sexuality | |||||||||||||||||||| | 83% | Peter pan complex | |||||||||||||||||||| | 83% | Physical security | |||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Food indulgent | || | 10% | Histrionic | |||||||||||| | 50% | Paranoia | |||| | 16% | Vanity | |||||||||||| | 43% | Hypersensitivity | |||| | 16% | Female cliche | || | 10% | |
1. How are you more stable than me?
2. How are you more narcissistic than moi, qui est l'estat?
3. The sum of our collective work ethics equals a goldman sachs investment banker. Yay.
4. You're change adverse?
5. You're 10% girl. Yay.
I'm also 90% on the Hedonism scale.
- don mega
hi david! it's jean here from the pts play. i just wanted to say that i read shamble shamble on the previous post and that i really liked it a lot. so much emotion, really powerful. i like how the words move so fast, which match how fast your thoughts are moving. really great.
put some of your stuff in propaganda silk next semester ^_^
well goodluck on the rest of your year/finals/etc! and have an awesome summer :o)
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