Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The Story Of Lazarus

A wizard from a far away land known as San Francisco, working for an entity that calls itself "Apple," has resurrected my beloved iPod and sent her back to me today.

In addition, I contacted a mighty sorcerer through the nebulous force known as the "Internet" and purchased from him a new acoustic guitar for $99.99 USD. She arrived a couple days ago. Her name is Michelle Washburn. She is not as pretty as Lucy was, but she is a bit easier to get along with. Lucy had her stiff moments at times, but Michelle's action is much softer on the fingers. I can't really compare the two, though. They are from two completely different worlds. Lucy was born in the stars, one of a kind. Michelle is more of a down-home girl; she has a twin. They're both beautiful in their own way, though.

So I suppose my life before the Long Journey and the Great Flood has been mostly restored, except for the loss of my longtime friend and mentor, my TI-83 Plus graphing calculator. I will cherish Michelle and my iPod with a fervor bordering manic paranoia from now on, though. I will not let anything happen to them ever again. It is constant vigilance for me from here on out.

I am Jack's maniacally sensitive obsessive-compulsive disorder.

1 comment:

Alex said...

I think there's a known neurosis where people give inanimate objects human names and characteristics. It may seem cool now, but wait till you start talking to your calculator and your iPod like those weird people do who talk to their plants...maybe you do that too, sorry if I was too quick to judge.