Thursday, October 28, 2004

Chewing Gum Reports For Duty

Chewing Gum: hey guys, what's up?

Coffee: *sigh* Pondering weighty issues in high-brow culture today, such as the state of modern opera, the medium shift happening in contemporary art, and whether or not neo-impressionism can revitalize the floundering oil-on-canvas genre. *deeper sigh*

Slim Jims: 'Sup, Chew. I'm just tired as shit right now. Long ass day, didn't sleep much. Fuck...

Chewing Gum: well i wore a tie today! it had smiley faces on it! it was fun!

Coffee: *sigh*

Slim Jims: Fuck...


Anonymous said...



The Mrs. said...

Ahh...the simple things. :)