Sunday, October 10, 2004


The night awakens to the cacaphony of silence. A girl postulates alone in her room. Galaxies shatter like glass. The creativity of Man is murdered down a narrow New York City alley. A boy breathes air into a red balloon. Mortality throws a party, and Death shows up late. The lexicographer drops his "H." A branch from a tree hangs low over the water. The sun lies dormant in shadow until righteous bondsmen submit queries. The Queen lies in bed with a naked broomstick in the rain. Everything you know is wrong. A gypsy runs up a tree because the mountains grow too low. Let's go dancing in the moonlight under the cherry blossom trees. Drink this vial of absinthe or sip my blood. A woman bites her toes down the drain. Odysseus jumps in the way of a Greyhound bus. The knight on a horse eats his sushi with a fork. Consume your own light. Conserve your own karma. Life is beautiful. There is justice in the world. There is justice in God. I am. Love. Laughter. Antibiotics.


Ben said...

the only way to fly
bright sunrise

wendy said...

hello fellow internet friend.

i think you need some sun and caffeine (how do you spell caffeine?).
and i have a blog too, though i hardly write and it's just for show. everyone cool has a blog, roite?

Alex said...

as is proven in the ontological manuals, what we have alone been able to show is that human reason(and it is obvious that this is true), is a representation of the Antinomies. because of the relationship between reason and the phenomena, it is not at all certain that, in so far as this expounds the universal rules of the transcendental aesthetic, metaphysics(and let us suppose that this is true), excludes the possibility of the discipline of practical reason, yet the objects in spacee and time, in the case of the Transcendental Deduction, like the never-ending regress in the series of empirical conditions, they are just as contradictory as a priori principles. But this is to be dismissed as random grouping.

to avoid all misapprehension, it is necessary to explain that, for example, the practical employment of the paralogisms is a body of demonstrated doctrine, and some of it must be known, but the Ideal of human reason is the key to understanding by means of the transcendental unity of apperception, the transcendental objects in space and time. I assert that our concepts, in all theoretical sciences, can never, as a whole, furnish a true and demonstrated science, because,. as is evident upon close examination, formal logic(and it remains a mystery why this is true), woudl thereby be made to contradict our judgements.

it is not at all certain that the architectonic of natural reason, in natural theology, occupies part of the sphere of the never-ending regress in the series of empirical conditions concerning the existence of the Categories in general, since knowledge of the things in themselves is actual. necessity has lying before it the transcendental unity of apperception. there can be no doubt that the Ideal, in the case of space, shoudl only be used as a canon for our sense perceptions. I assert that, indeed, the Transcendental Deduction, then, is a body of demonstrated doctrine, and none of it must be known, and our a priori concepts, therefore, can be treated like our understanding. I'm sorry if you read this far, none of the above means anything. Kant.

Lioness said...

This is absolutely... lonesome. Lonesome and fabulous.

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