Monday, September 20, 2004

The Duality Of Clarity

Even though my visual stimuli are being funneled extremely clearly through my optical nerve endings, the second these electrical impulses leave the wall of my retina and fire across synapses into my brain, they turn into amorphous, clouded thoughts--alternating currents of ambiguity and imprecision. It's like the intersection of my eyes and mind are a series of crossed circuits that mix and match messages into the jumbled garble of the randomness of the Universe. Thoughts become thermally influenced particles moving in cerebral Brownian motion. The impetus of this material duality, this simultaneous definition and static, was brought on by my newly cleaned glasses.

The moral: clean your glasses. The removal of grease stains and oil smudges from your windows out into the world will manifest the same compelling epiphanies for you too.

1 comment:

The Mrs. said...

I am right there with you. While I often find that what I am actually seeing is shaded by things going on inside my head, there is a certain clarity that comes to me when I remove the fingerprints and speckles of hairspray from my delicately curved lenses. Such visual perfection is so desirable that I now carry a lens cleaning cloth in my car...although I DO NOT recommend cleaning your lenses while your vehicle is in motion.