Tuesday, August 24, 2004

The Triumvirate That Rules My Brain

NOTE: This is not some twisted version of "Aqua Teen Hunger Force," which is an awesome show. This is actually rather personal, despite the ruse...

Chewing Gum: omg, so like, today, i like, totally was like what the hell, i dunno, maybe we should stop writing these stories you know? like totally just start writing about ourselves man, because writing about ourselves is so much easier, right?

Coffee: Easier is not necessarily a good thing, Chewing Gum. The artist can only truly create something compelling and meaningful through intense, genuine struggle. Look at "100 Years of Solitude" by Garcia Marquez. All about struggle. All beautiful. If we want something meaningful, we will continue to struggle in the recent vein of writing not about ourselves, but writing things that are completely made up. Unless, of course, we write about me. I am the artistic part after all, so if we only write about me, it'll also be meaningful.

Slim Jims: Coff, you're such a snob. Chew, you're such a ditz. Both of you are wrong. I hate living with you two, you guys are the shittiest roommates ever, you know that? We should just write whatever we fuckin' wanna write, whenever we fuckin' wanna write it. We can fucking take turns. No one has to dominate. The blog has all three of our names in it, it belongs to all three of us. So it should alternate among all three freakin' voices. Coff, you can keep writin' your story, or poetry, or whatever, I don't care. Chew, you can write whatever you want about what's going on in our lives, too, I don't care, as long as it's not too long. And I'll write whatever funny or sarcastic or profane or meaningless shit I'm supposed to represent, whenever, too. You know, I can't believe you two are both males, you both act like fuckin' bitches all the time.

Coffee: That is actually a very profound idea for our blog, Slim Jims. It would add a lot of fluidity to the writing process. My only reservation is that the division of voices not be so explicit next time, like it is here. This is extremely coarsely done, way too overtly obvious, and, quite frankly, somewhat juvenile. I can tell this was Chewing Gum's idea to do this... play dialogue thing...

Slim Jims: No, it was my idea. So fuck off, cockass. Then we're all agreed?

Chewing Gum: sooo... i get to like, talk about myself and stuff then right?

Slim Jims: Yes. Try to use capitalization, though. This isn't AIM.

Chewing Gum: omg totally awesome. ok i'm in.


Anonymous said...

I hired you three to publish a blog not to anthropomorphize a four dollar Wawa grab bag. This is a circus. Get it together. Now.

Your Editor in Chief,

lil_k said...

HI...I noticed that you posted a comment on my blog Fem Tube...how did you find me?...I'm curious because I have no idea who reads my stuff and I'm surprised to find out new readers...cheers, Lil K

Ben said...


Jessica said...

I wonder why I just had a mental image of Slim Jim kicking my ass, and making me write, even when my muse is on vacation. I like Slim Jim. Though he sounds like he could sometimes be a little bastard. For the record my Triumvirate is more of a duet. Ice cubes and doritos. Ugggg I am so pathetic.

Anonymous said...


this is the most creative thing i've ever read in someone's blog; david, you've done it again! keep writing, cuz ur a true artist.
