Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Thanks Jason Mulgrew (He Said Sarcastically)

OK, so I totally got this idea from Jason Mulgrew's blog, but for the last couple of days, I've been using that "Next Blog" button at the top to browse other people's blogs. I commented only on the ones I had something to respond to, except for the blogs that were written in a completely different language. For those, I ALWAYS left a comment, something really stupid like "totally" or "sweet" or "fo shizzle," even though I couldn't understand a single word most of the time. I thought this was really funny, and it got funnier the more I did it, just as Jason Mulgrew said it would, and all was fun and games and happiness...

But I never realized that Jason Mulgrew's blog did not allow comments back! And mine does! So now I've been getting comments from foreign bloggers who are all confused, asking me who I am! This little side-effect has been great for site traffic, but terrible for me personally; it's like getting caught TP-ing somebody's house. I don't know what to do. I am thoroughly embarassed by their presence, but I'm also totally stoked about the extra site traffic. And it's still a funny joke.

So from now on, if you are a foreign blogger who has received a comment from me that makes no sense to you... err... just kidding? Heh heh?


Ben said...

Putain Blog!!! Now where's my mustard, this steak's getting cold.

Mab said...

Yeah, Pink Floyd.



Mab said...

Yeah, Pink Floyd.



Jason said...


jason mulgrew
internet quasi-celebrity

ertandberni said...


butterflylady said...

came across your blog...
had a real gd laugh bout the "prank" u played.
gosh! your sarcasm...
great sense of humour

Alex said...

dave, you're an evil, evil blogger.

Alex said...

but it's funny

Ruiner said...

Very funny. I deleted your comment since I thought you were that Sirius rep hounding me again. Sorry about that.


ac2go said...

thank you jason mulgrew

Lydiane said...

my english is too bad for reading your blog... sorry !

aYa said...

haha. since i'm "foreign" i guess that includes me then..oh well..i enjoyed reading this blog anyway.

fo shizzle.