Wednesday, August 25, 2004

This Blog Is Rated G For G A N G S T A

Just kidding.

What rating is your journal?

brought to you by

General Audience. All ages admitted to your journal. This signifies that your journal contains nothing most people will consider offensive. Nudity, sex, and talk of drug use are basically absent; violence is minimal; snippets of your journal may go beyond polite conversation but do not go beyond common everyday expressions.

Oh wait, I almost forgot. Today I went to a nude beach where there were a lot of naked boobies, had spontaneous, unprotected sex with three random women at the same time, got a mixture of coke, smack, weed, acid, speed, ecstasy, Budweiser, shrooms, glue, Nyquil, and coffee injected intravenously through my testicles, ran around smashing people's faces in with a Louisville Slugger and shooting their toes off with a rifle, and then screamed really loudly:



Don Snabulus said...

Ummm, glue is bad for you. The rest I can't comment on because I am a mollusc.

Jessica said...

Whew! Sounds like fun, next time can I come along?

Jason said...


jason mulgrew
internet quasi-celebrity

D.X. said...

wow, a real-life internet quasi-celebrity visited me... i've really made it big now.

Lau said...

Hi you posted a comment yesterday on my blog, and I was wondering who you are

aYa said...

i wish my day was something like that...