Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hello? Is this thing on?

Testing, testing, one two, testing testing, one two.

Is this blog on?

I have been struggling. My addictive personality keeps me overly occupied with work. Am I making up for my slacker-attitude in college by trying, rather uselessly, to be an over-achiever on Wall St.? And if so, why now? Really, why? Do I really have the constitution to be Warren Buffet?

I do a lot of reading these days, but not the kind that helps. I feel so different today than when I last wrote in this blog, I'm afraid to post again. It's like this blog belongs to someone else, and I should just go get my own, less colorful, less interesting blog. It feels like I'm trespassing in a creaky, abandoned colonial-era house, or wiping my feet on a grave in the Poet's Corner of Westminster Abbey.


adaraleigh said...

please write more often. i miss your entries.

M said...

It does feel weird to blog after a long absence or a major life change. "You can't go home again" is of course about more than geography.