Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A post in which the author attempts to find his inner voice through experimental exploration of his mental space

Must everything begin with "I?" Is this the folly of mankind? But how else to begin, if not with "I?" It's impossible to begin with "We," for instance. "We" requires "I" as a necessary component, or else it becomes "Them." Can one begin with "Them?" This seems no better than beginning with "I." Where to begin, where to begin... In the beginning... in the beginning... First. What comes first? Exposition? No. Too traditional. In the beginning, there was time. Begin with "Now." Yes. Live in The Now, as they say. Not "In the beginning...," but "In the now..."

In the now, time remains still, relatively speaking.
In the now, life lives.
In the now, there is no such thing as a past, or a future.
In the now, the now never has to leave.
In the now, action is impossible.
In the now, there is only existence, existence without action or agency.
In the now, there is nothing.
In the now, nothing burdens.
In the now, a dark room.
In the now, peace.
In the now, eternity.
Now is forever.

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