Friday, November 05, 2004

Indie Rock Hipster Checklist

- Long, shaggy hair (Guys only) [Free]
- Dark-rimmed "emo" glasses [$50-100]
- Thrift-store t-shirt with amusing print, or Urban Outfitters equivalent [$2-20]
- Stripey long-sleeve shirt [$5-20]
- Track jacket with arm-stripes [$30-40]
- Thrift-store blazer over hoodie, or Urban Outfitters equivalent [$30-60]
- Necktie (Girls only) [$10-15]
- Silver-studded belt, or necktie-for-belt [$10-20]
- Blue jeans [$20-50]
- Two-colored Converse, Puma, or equivalent shoes [$30-80]
- A haughty, superior, elitist attitude [Free]

Remember, kids, if you're missing anything from this checklist, you're not really indie!!! And then you won't be cool anymore!!! This is what it really takes to be indie!!! If you can't keep up, then you're not cool enough!!! Put down your acoustic guitar and stop listening to that Pavement CD, and go get YOUR UNIFORM!!!


ertandberni said...

I'll be indie as soon as I get a coporate whore job that allows me to afford it. So not yet, but soon!

The Mrs. said...

wow. I see you've been to Reno. It's so scene here, it causes me pain.